För er som inte hör vad jag säger. Nu kan ni läsa det istället.

måndag 28 februari 2011

Paper day

The last day of the month. For me that means a lot of work...

I get my money from the company today, but it will not stay for long in my posession, because I need to pay all the bills and stuff... Blah!

And this month is a really rough one!

Partly because of my earlier adventures in Aruba. And my current adventures in Aruba :)

And my future adventures in Aruba?

But also because january by general is a pretty lousy month. People just dont have any money to spend on taxi...

So this month I got to live on water and bread. But since my dietist told me not to eat bread, I only have water left :(

Fine! Arrgh!

I will survive that too!

fredag 25 februari 2011

Judgement day

I visited my dietist today.
Shouldn´t have done that.

I am on the right track, but I need to gain muscles and water.

She put me on a hard shedule for the next two weeks. Shake in the morning. Shake in the evening. Shake after exercise.

Eat air in between if you get hungry

Two weeks.

Thats because next week is winter break for the schools. I guess SHE will be eating hot dogs with her children for the whole weekend.

I have to live on air. And love!!

Thank god for the love! There is no calories in that! :)

Det snöar katter och regnar is

Den här vintern är helt fantastisk.

Jag är inte den som gnäller på vädret i onödan, men nu måste ju till och med jag ta bladet från munnen.

Det finns två lägen. Antingen svinjävla pisskallt. Eller snöstorm och dödens vindar från helvetet. Det har förövrigt frusit till is. Precis som allt annat den här vintern.

Bogserat skabbig Honda har man gjort den här morgonen. Tror att kylaren är paj, kostar förmodligen dubbelt så mycket att laga än vad skiten är värd.

Det finns bara en sak som fungerar oförtrutet. Den enda sak som jag har velat döda i 15 år lever oförtrutet vidare.


Bilen som ingen någonsin har brytt sig om eller servat.
Bilen som har plågats utöver allt annat.

Bilen som aldrig dog!!


Today was a good day!

First I got to visit my mothers cousin Gunnar and his wife Greth-Marie in Örarna for her 70:th birtday. She says, now she can count herself to the older youth category! :)

Visiting them is always a pleasure. A lot of interesting stories about life. And needless to say the food is wonderful :)

After that I went to work, and this day was chaos as always.

But I like it.

Partly because Luleå Hockey took a great victory over their biggest nemesis from the city called "She Left You".


Ice hockey is like figure skating but with a purpose

Also because I had really good customers today! And the booking central works perfect with personnel like ML and LS!!

PLUS!! I got to speak to my darling for half an hour during the break... That was the best part! Always a pleasure of course!!

I got pissed of the fact that I had to work overtime... but its part of the job... And of course, it makes my living!

onsdag 23 februari 2011

Jag blev brädad

I was beaten. Humiliated. Did not even win once!

Sällskapspel är nog en av de mest underskattade sysselsättningar man kan ägna sig åt. Monopol, Finans eller varför inte det enkla ordspel vi spelade ikväll som jag förstås har glömt namnet på...

Boardgames is fun! Monopoly and such... But its not really about the game. More fun is the company.

Fast egentligen handlar det nog inte om vilket spel man spelar. Det handlar nog mer om sällskapet. Och det var verkligen kul att få träffa Erik med familj! Var ett tag sen senast, tenderar ju att bli så med de flesta vänner när man är en upptagen man som jag. Desto viktigare då att ta tillfällena i akt.

Its been a while since I visited Erik and his family. Being such a busy man as me makes the occasion even more important, so whenever I get the chance, Ill take it.

Att vinna eller inte spelar inte mig någon större roll, fast nästa gång ska jag nog minsann visa er var skåpet ska stå!!

Winning or losing isnt really important for me. But next time, I will show you where to place the cabinet!! :)

tisdag 22 februari 2011

Happiness at last

Many have they been lately. The bad news has been frequent.

But today I got good news about one of my closest friends!

This is the first good news after many bad, and still she has never ever given up.
Still there are clouds on the horizon, but they will be resolved.

A strong one she is!

And now, with this good news, I really find the future bright for her!

When my friends are happy, so am I!

My own situation is a little foggy at the moment, but im sure that everything will be cleared in a not so far future. And when I need help, I know that I have good friends to support me!

måndag 21 februari 2011

Crash boom bang

I did a fatal mistake

After the gym today I was going to the shower and I stuffed my locker full with all the clothes, then I threw in the glasses. Or at least i thought I did. But there was no room for them because the locker was full. So they fell on the floor. And of course they cracked.

I was mad. Believe me I was really mad!
And the others in that room looked at me in great dispair.

I said the F-word!

Maybe I was entitled to do it. After all its not funny, and the occasion could not be worse. But that is what life is all about, isn´t it?

Contant failure. Sadness. Darkness. Death and decay!

This is a happy post!


söndag 20 februari 2011


Deep deep into the dark dark forest there is a small small village with a small small house...

No not really. Its actually situated on the north side of Råneå River. And it is a very peaceful place.

We went there a couple of friends and I for some quality time. And we definitely had quality time! I really love activities like this, just to hang around and talk.

One doesnt have to spend time in front of the mirror when situated in a middle of nowhere. If I have a bad hair day in Orrbyn, nobody cares!

Not that I care much about my hair when at home either, but you get the point...

One day we will live in a house in the countryside. Which country is less important. If there is snow we will have a snowmobile. We will have a tractor and a big garage. Maybe horses and pigs but definitely some chickens. I eat a lot of eggs...

And of course we will have a couple of dogs!

I will have a wife from the dominican republic and at least five kids!

At least that is what I hope and dream for :)

lördag 19 februari 2011


My friend has a friend with a dog. My friend likes dogs. So she took care of it when her friend had to work. But then SHE had to work too, so I got to take care of it :)

It is a she. An English Staffordshire named Doris. Not as stupid as her namesharer the fish. Actually quite clever...

Pretty lame though. Not dangerous at all. But she is really cute and she likes rice cookies :)

Its been a long time since I took care of a dog, but I really like it, and I will definitely do it again if im asked!

So now you know. If you have a dog that needs to be taken care of for a couple of hours or so, Im happy to do it.

Not that I ever got the time. But if I do, then Ill do it!

torsdag 17 februari 2011

Kalle Ankas klubb

Nä jag vet att det inte är lätt att driva en förening utan medlemmar.

Just därför säger jag det som nån borde ha sagt för flera år sen.

På ett årsmöte ska man kunna presentera föregående års protokoll, och en korrekt skriftlig sammanställning över den verksamhet som har bedrivits under året.

Följande två allvarliga brister kunde konstateras under den kvart jag kunde vara närvarande. Detta eftersom jag anser mig inte ha fått någon kallelse.

En kallelse skall leverereras skriftligen eller elektroniskt till klubbens alla medlemmar. Det duger inte att skriva på tavlan eller i programmet att årsmöte skall hållas!

Felet ligger inte i de enskilda medlemmarnas arbete, de sliter säkert och gör så gott dom kan, men när de är för få för att arbetet ska kunna utföras korrekt så finns det tyvärr bara en lösning.

Inse fakta och lägg ner verksamheten för gott! Att sitta och plåga sig gör ingen gott!

tisdag 15 februari 2011

Jag är inte helt hundra

Efter 14 månader av blod, svett och tårar har jag äntligen nått mitt mål.
After 14 monts of blood, sweat and tears I finally reached my goal.

Jag måste medge att det var med lite fusk jag lyckades....
I have to admit that I cheated a little bit to succeed...

Målet nåddes utan kläder, glasögon och kamera :)
The target was reached without clothes, glasses and camera :)

Det är nästa mål. Att lyckas med samma sak fullt påklädd och med kameran i högsta hugg. Det lär ju dröja några månader till.

Next target is to reach the goal with clothes and camera. That will probably take a couple of months more.

Men hur man än vrider och vänder på det så har jag lyckats nå tvåsiffrigt! Jag är mycket stolt över mig själv! Ingen hade nog trott att det skulle gå, men innerst inne trodde jag på mig själv, och det är det enda som har betydelse.

Either way, I did reach the two figure goal! I am proud of myself! I dont think that anybody would have belived it to be possible, but I knew deep inside that I could do it, and that is the only thing that matters.

Så nu vet ni alla ni som har misstänkt det länge... Jag är inte helt hundra!!!
Now you know all of you who suspected it for a long time... I am not quite sane!!!

(The above english translation doesnt fully compel with the swedish in meaning of words... But the point comes true...)

söndag 13 februari 2011

U Turn

I got a request of translation of the previous post. So be it.

I am good at U turns. I wasn´t gonna go there. Then I was going. And then I didnt go.

There is still time! If I jump in the car and go now i will be on Arlanda in time for departure!

Yes. I am indecisive. I am crazy. I am unsecure. But right now it feels like the best thing is to stay in sweden for now. Maybe i will change my mind again, but then its too late and I will have to wait for two more weeks.

But to be earnest, I had my chance and I didnt take it. So I probably wont go.

My insecurity has nothing to do with misbelief in the relationship. Its rather the other way around. This is for the best because growing good relationships takes time.

After all, in four months she will be entering the swedish airspace. It feels like forever. But its not a very long time. I have to prevail. And I will.

But. I am who I am when I didn´t turn up the way I should.
Tomorrow morning I just might be standing at Arlanda after all!

I should have choosen the political agenda.


Kovändningar är jag bra på tycks det. Nyss skulle jag inte åka. Sen skulle jag åka. Sen åkte jag inte.

Om jag kastar mig i bilen nu hinner jag fortfarande till Arlanda i tid

Ja jag är velig. Jag är osäker. Vet inte ut och in längre. Men just nu känns det ändå som att det bästa vore att avvakta.

Imorron kan det vara annat ljud i skällan. Men då måste jag isåfall vänta minst två veckor innan nästa chans kommer. Rent realistiskt så är det här enda chansen. Åker jag inte nu åker jag inte alls. Och det lutar alltså åt det senare.

Inte för att jag inte tror på förhållandet utan kanske snarare tvärtom. Det här är det rätta beslutet även om det inte känns bra. Och om fyra månader kommer hon att beträda svenskt luftrum. Det känns bra.

Att behöva vänta fyra månader känns mindre bra. Men jag får väl helt enkelt ge mig till tåls.

Fast som sagt. Jag är som jag är när jag inte blev som jag skulle.
Jag kanske står på Arlanda med väskan i högsta hugg imorgon bitti.

Jag borde nog ha valt den politiska banan

lördag 12 februari 2011

Från tanke till handling

Kunde inte hålla mig. Jag måste dit.

Jag skiter i vad alla tycker. Att man är en korkskalle som bara går dit den pekar och så vidare.

För det är sån jag är och alltid har varit. Jag följer min magkänsla. Det har hittills funkat ganska bra och det kanske kommer att funka igen.

Jag åker dit utan några som helst förhoppningar. Vet inte alls hur det kommer att bli. Kanske kommer jag hem som olycklig singel eller som lycklig trebarnspappa.

Men det får helt enkelt bli som det blir. Hade jag inte tagit den här chansen hade jag nog gått och grämt mig över det i två veckor. Det hade knappast gjort någon till gagn.

Önska mig lycka till alla mina riktiga vänner!! Ni vet vilka ni är!
Ni som snackar skit kan dra dit pepparn växer!

Nä förresten! För det är ju dit jag ska...

fredag 11 februari 2011

Jag är chef. Suck.

Man måste ju ta sitt ansvar.
Tjänar rätt bra med pengar gör jag, men det beror väl på att jag har ett ganska stort ansvar.

Senast jag var borta blev det ju kaos och kalabalik. Det lär det bli igen. Det är inte för inte som det är jag som är företaget och inte någon av mina spattiga anställda.

Nä ok, det kanske var lite taskigt, för det är ju inte lätt att driva en firma. Man måste vara medlare, psykolog och ledare. Dessutom galen om man har råkat välja min branch.

Orsaken till detta inlägg är följande: jag gick in på Ving.se och råkade hitta en flygstol till Aruba för 1999 kr. Helt sjukt billigt, och hade jag varit en simpel arbetare hade jag inte tvekat en sekund. Gå dit den pekar.

Men nu är jag ju chef, och jag måste inse att priset för min bortavaro är så mycket högre än bara en biljett.

Surt kan man tycka men jag vill inte byta. Företaget är det viktigaste jag har. Jag har byggt det från grunden och det tänker jag inte kasta bort i första taget.

Inte ens för ett svart hål

torsdag 10 februari 2011

Det blir nog inget spel

Nu blev jag less på engelska. Hon läser den nog ändå inte ändå...

Jag börjar bli spyless på STIL. Alltså STudentidrotten I Luleå.

De har två badmintonbanor som står till förfogande för alla som har guldkort, men det är inte helt lätt att få en tid. Igår hade jag tur och fick en tid klockan elva idag.

Skitkul tänkte jag! Äntligen ska man få slänga racketet i golvet i ren frustration när bollen inte vill bli träffad.

Äntligen ska man få bli förnedrad, utskrattad och hånad. Så jag har längtat!!

Men som vanligt blev det inte som det skulle när det inte blev som det borde

För man kom ju dit taggad och glad i hågen. Skulle bara hyra racketar och boll. Hyrde racketar. Men ingen boll. FÖR DOM VAR SLUT!!!


nu har vi fått en ny tid nästa torsdag. Och ett löfte om att de ska ha skaffat nya bollar tills dess. En sak är säker!

Om inte Mukka har köpt några badmintonbollar tills nästa torsdag ska han få sina egna bollar frityrkokade i ostronsås och serverade på silverfat!!


French fries

Dont eat them!

There are at least a million different diet programs available... But if you find one that says you should eat french fries, dont follow it...

I dont really get it actually. Yesterday I ordered a burger from Max as i often do, but for some reason I forgot to tell them that I wanted carrots instead of fries.

So what, I figured. But then I checked them up... And no. French fries should not be eaten. Never. Ever. Nope.

Packed with calories, high on fat, salt and carbs. Low on energy. Untasty. Slimy. Cold. Blah! :)

But for some reason I always crave for them still when I see the pictures.

Not much though. I can eat carrots now for at least a year knowing how bad the fries are!


I think it has begun now! Todays shedule has Badminton on it, and yesterday it was regular cardiovascular training. I like it. Maybe because of my excercise partner, but thats not the only reason.

It just feels good. It makes you happy.

Kind of like the fries but the other way around...

måndag 7 februari 2011


I grew up with his music. Over the hills and far away.

I still remember those days 15 years ago. Sitting in the room trying to learn to play the songs. I never tried though, was more into the programming stuff, but I listened to my friends who tried. Not all of them suceeded, but those who did are good musicians today.

He has a big heritance this man. And now he is gone. Far away. Probably not in heaven... But then again, the important thing is the music, and the music never dies.

You passed away too soon. Rest in peace Gary Moore!

lördag 5 februari 2011

Aruba with a view

Some people in the world is still relentlessly stubborn.
They just wont do like everybody else. They just wont get Facebook.

I actually like this, because just following the mainstream without ever questioning what is is that one does is often a certain way to misery...

I have taken quite a lot of pictures from Aruba, and I have shared them on Facebook. I did this not because Facebook is a good site, because it isn´t, but I did it because a lot of my friends use it and this makes sharing a lot easier.

But for those of you who still doesn´t and don´t want to use facebook I will also share a few pics on the blog. Aren´t I the kindest? :)

The scenery at one of the many high-level hotels in Palm Beach

Downtown Oranjestad. The many cruiseships that daily enters the harbour is not for everyone

And neither are these boats... But some day, when Aruba is mine, so will they be!

The Iguanas are many. Grabbing them by the tail is very hard, and if you succeed it will come loose... Dont ask me how I know that :)

For some reason Arubians has no electrical intelligence whatsoever. Cables like this are everywhere to be found... And they are especially frequent around pools...

The northern side of the island shows proof of Arubas volcanic heritance. Swimming here is not an option... Diving amongst the many shipwrecks could however be interesting for the experienced one.

The beaches of Aruba is white, long and often unexploited. Yet...

Nature is on the rough side. I do believe that I did not see even one bush that wasn´t thorny! Maybe that is because of the iguanas?

For those of you who despite things like gambling, beer, beautiful ladies and nightlife: Sorry, but Aruba is not the place for you... :)

Under the surface

When entering the water, one can find a whole world of life! The turtles are quite frequent. (Photo courtesy of Unique Sports of Aruba)

Doris was here. Nemo was nowhere to be found. (Photo courtesy of Unique Sports of Aruba)

The weather on the island is great but a wee bit unpredictable... When the rain arrives it does it good. Really good.

The Divi divi tree is a landmark of Aruba. Harsh and with a lot of sharp branches to injure oneself on. Do not try to climb it... :)

Scenery from the northernmost part of the island, the California lighthouse. Shows one of the islands two golf courses and the highrollers residential area Tierra del Sol in the background. Expensive to say the least.

fredag 4 februari 2011

Its a small world

This planet is quite big.

It takes time to travel across the globe. And the prize to do so is high.

I can´t do it. Even though I really really want to I can´t. And it´s very hard for me to realize that fact.

Because one cannot make a life on air and love alone. One has to provide for the family.

I can do that in Sweden.

But I can also do that anywhere else in the world

There is obvious that a man so talented as me will find work anywhere... right? :)

After all, there is nothing I can´t do. I have never ever forgotten anything. Except for that time I did forget something, but I forgot about that...

There must be a way. Or many ways. I could stand to live in Aruba for example...
Maybe it isn´t the best country to live in, the prizes are high and the salary is ridiculously low. The social network is nowhere to be found.

But the climate makes up for almost everything.

They say that it´s easy for us europeans to get jobs there too... :)

And if. Pone that it really happens: Then I could invite a lot of people to this island paradise. I have a feeling that most of you would love it.

Maybe not the fiance´s... ;)

But it is truly a paradise for men!! Casinos in every corner. And some women.
Some women in every corner that is... And in the city of San Nicholas they are everywhere after darkness...

For those of you who don´t like gambling, beer or women, there is always an open beach to rest your feet on. Who doesn´t like that?? :)

To sum it up: If I move, I will need someone to tend to my business in sweden. I will most probably sell it in time. But not now.

Luckily I know a man who will be perfect for the job. And he is not a bitter man...

He is from the land of the thousand lakes. And he has a fiancé who likes paperwork... Can it be better??


onsdag 2 februari 2011

Plus 3

It isn´t plus outside. But the scale says plus 3.

Aruba is truly a memory for life, now starts the erasing process. Not of the memories but of the pizza...

They do have the best pizza I ever tasted over there. Not to mention the pies...

And the women!

Todays schedule is eggs and powder for breakfast, followed by an hour of heavy excercise...

Hopefully the badminton course is available today :)

tisdag 1 februari 2011

Into the winter

I really hate Thomas Cook Airlines...

After a huge delay we landed at Arlanda airport just to miss our flight with three minutes...

500 dollars was the price we had to pay to get another ticket to Luleå.

Not worth it cause I´d rather be somewhere else...

And did we even get an apology? Nope...

At least we can be glad that the temperature here isn´t too low today. Just 5 degrees below zero... but then again, 45 degrees difference is enough! ;)

I had the chance to play a little with one of my babies... THE CAR!! :) I like to make figures in the snow, gotta be careful though, the economy is quite tensed at the moment, cannot really afford an accident. But since I bought and drove a wrongwheel driven vehicle yesterday I really needed to get wild... :)

I gotta go. The laundry awaits tomorrow! Definitely needs to be done...