För er som inte hör vad jag säger. Nu kan ni läsa det istället.

måndag 21 februari 2011

Crash boom bang

I did a fatal mistake

After the gym today I was going to the shower and I stuffed my locker full with all the clothes, then I threw in the glasses. Or at least i thought I did. But there was no room for them because the locker was full. So they fell on the floor. And of course they cracked.

I was mad. Believe me I was really mad!
And the others in that room looked at me in great dispair.

I said the F-word!

Maybe I was entitled to do it. After all its not funny, and the occasion could not be worse. But that is what life is all about, isn´t it?

Contant failure. Sadness. Darkness. Death and decay!

This is a happy post!


1 kommentar:

  1. Constant Or Kontant failure??

    Get new glasses quickly..or our schedule will only contain 04:45 - 16:00 all week long
